Saturday, February 17, 2007

How Has Technology Changed Us?

This is the fourth in our on-going series of philosophical podcasts. The topic is technology and its impact on humanity. How has technology changed us? Do the benefits outweigh the costs? Has technology made us stronger or has it created dependency and enabled individual weakness? How has it affected our self identities and our values? Join 10 citizen philosophers and myself in this stimulating and insightful discussion.

Participants: Alma Cunningham, Ariel MacLean, Carole Abel, Jeff Johnson, Jerry Huml, John Tytus, Ken Thompson, Matt Komoroski, Scott Van Bergen, Zeke Hanchak

To subscribe to the podcast with your podcast software (such as iTunes or iPodder) copy and past the following link into your software:

If you have iTunes, you can find us listed in the Apple Music Store directory under Podcasts/Society & Culture/Philosophy, or just do a search in iTunes on Thinking Out Loud People.

If you don't have podcast software and just want to download the mp3 file directly, use this link:

Listen to the broadcast (mp3)

In our next podcast we will discuss: Why Marriage?

You are invited to add your thoughts by clicking on the "comments" link at the lower right hand corner of this post.


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