Saturday, March 17, 2007

Political Self-Determination

This is the eighth in our on-going series of philosophical podcasts. The topic is political self-determination. What are the rights and limitations of groups seeking political independence? Should any group be granted the right to form their own state? When is it appropriate for a nation to break up into smaller nations? When is it desirable for smaller nations to join into a greater union of states? How can conflicting ambitions of larger and smaller group identities be reconciled?

Participants: David Rood, Karen Lawmen, Steve Donaldson, Steve Semienick
Guest Moderator: Ken Thompson

To subscribe to the podcast with your podcast software (such as iTunes or iPodder) copy and past the following link into your software:

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Listen to the broadcast (mp3)

In our next podcast we will discuss: Legitimate Authority. Stay tuned.

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