Inconvenient Truths
This is the twelfth in our on-going series of philosophical podcasts. The topic is "How can we overcome obstacles to seeing inconvenient truths?" What are the obstacles to seeing a truth that might cause us distress? How can we guard against deception and denial? What is objectivity? What role does our culture play in what we take to be true? What is the government's role? What effect do other major institution have on our perception - the institutions of science, education, religion, news organizations, and entertainment media? Where can we turn for objectivity? What internal resources do we have to test for truthfulness?

Participants: Billie Lagerwerff, Carole Abel, Jerry Huml, Jill Hacker, John Tytus, Ken Thompson, U.J. Fields, Tim Grubbs
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In our next podcast we will discuss: What is Philosophy?. Stay tuned.
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