Practicing Safe Religion
Here is a contribution I received from Steve Stokes relating to our most recent dialogue on "What is religion?". Please note that the following does not necessarily represent the views of anyone in our discussion, except for the contributor, Steve Stokes:
12 Changes to Make Religions Safer
by Steve Stokes
- Remove all provisions that the Deity(s) and Its theology is the "one true god and religion". Granted that this provision is the foundation of the orthodoxy of all major established religions, but in light of the untold carnage and suffering that this one piece of dogma is responsible for, it really is irresponsible to sanction this delusion.
- Remove all provisions that conclude that there are certain classifications of people that are some kind of abomination to the Deity(s) and ought to be exterminated. (Non-believers, witches, heretics, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, a defeated enemy, "sinners", the unclean, etc., and/or the descendants of the above.) Such provisions have undisputedly been responsible for untold carnage and suffering.
- And while we are on the subject, there must be eliminated all provisions for the sacrifices of innocent humans. Historically it has not been necessary to be offensive to a deity in order for a religion to sanction one's death. Ironically, the fact that you are pure or innocent could be the very reason for your life to be taken. It goes without saying that these provisions too are responsible for untold carnage and suffering.
- It seems that one of the best things that religion has promoted, THE NOT TAKING OF HUMAN LIFE, needs to be amplified. And also in need of amplification is the instruction, DO NOT DO TO ANOTHER THAT WHICH YOU WOULD NOT WANT DONE TO YOURSELF. If only followers of the worlds religions would pay heed to these two tenets of their dogma, the world would be a infinitely safer. Strangely however, these universal precepts, found in all the world's major religions, are widely ignored. This change alone could prevent much carnage and suffering.
- Recognize that the holding of a religious belief is a personal life choice. As such, religious beliefs should never be imposed on others. Theocratic governments, laws against blasphemy, heresy, other sundry blue laws, "justice" systems based on divine intervention, (trial by ordeal, trial by combat), mandatory public religious observance, proselytizing in public or door-to-door, even silly little fish on the back of cars, obnoxious T-shirts, and tacky WWJD bracelets. And while not responsible for carnage, as such, the imposition of religion unto others is cause for untold suffering.
- Remove self-depreciating pronouncements against humanity. I.e., humans are not sinful, humans are not unworthy, humans are not sheep, and we don't need to be shepherded.
- Do not encourage the belief in divine intervention. One can't be rescued from a calamity by a deity that does not exist.
- Take out any prohibitions of medical procedures. Also remove any provisions against organ donation.
- Take out any provision for cloistered existence. What a waste of existence: living behind a wall.
- Eliminate examples of sloppy thinking. I.e., young Earth references, simplistic creation myths, all the animals of the world being loaded onto one vessel, the sun being stopped in its tracks for a day, etc., etc.
- Take out any provisions against free thought. Any dogma that can't hold it own against logical critical thought can't be very sound.
- Capricious prohibitions should be eliminated: food, dress, music, dance, etc. In order to advance the human condition, a religion should be significant, and not bogged down with the superficial.
Because the dangers below represent danger only to the individual and those in their custody, they constitute a second class of danger and so are listed separately as dangers that should be eliminated from a religion to make it safer.
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