Thursday, December 27, 2007

Next Live Dialogue - Jan 2

Happy Holidays Fellow Philosophers,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we may have a new cyber participant joining us all the way from Adelaide, Australia at our next Thinking Out Loud meeting is this coming Wednesday, Jan 2, at 7:00. Alice will make her best effort to negotiate not only the temperamental technology of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) but also the unpredictable demands of two young children to participate in our discussion from the other side of the world, 15.5 time zones away. Should be most interesting, not to mention a new Thinking Out Loud record for long distance participation.

Of course, I am looking forward as well to hearing from our veteran Skype participants, Steve Stokes, Deborah Martin, and David Rood and I encourage other potential Skype participants - Anthony Johnston, Lee Katchen, Chad Meltone, Brooklyn, and others - to also join in on Wednesday. To accommodate multiple Skype participants, I will set up a Skype conference call as before. I do need your Skype ID name, so email that to me if you have not already done so. Log on to Skype on Wednesday around 6:45 PM (Thurs, 10:15 AM, Adelaide time). I will call you if your Skype icon indicates you are online and accepting calls. We will use a chat box, as before, to indicate who "has their hand up" and is waiting to speak. Email me if you have any questions.

I am also looking forward to engaging with our faithful local contingent of citizen philosophers, as always. If you are among those that have not participated awhile, not to worry, you are most welcome to join in again. Call me if you need directions or have questions.

If you prefer to just listen in, that is fine as well. The podcast of our conversation will be released on iTunes few days after the live discussion, usually on the following Sunday. Enjoy.

Our tentative topic for this Wednesday is:

"What is our conscience and can it be trusted?"

If you want to lobby for another topic or refine this one, feel free to send me your suggestions.

Hope to see/hear you all on Wednesday.

Best Regards,


Steve Donaldson,
Personal Growth Consultant,
Independent Educator,
Citizen Philosopher


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