Saturday, March 29, 2008

Next Live Dialogue - April 2, 2008

Cheers Citizen Philosophers,

This is just a friendly reminder that our next Thinking Out Loud gathering will take place this coming Wednesday, April 2nd, at 7:00 pm as usual. The topic has not yet been chosen, but we have several excellent suggestions.

1. "What is the nature of transcendence?"
2. "How do we reinvent ourselves?"
3. "Is the perfection of the self what life is all about?"
4. "What is the nature of collective responsibility?"

If you have other topics you would like to add or modifications to these you would like to suggest, email them to me or bring them with you to the meeting. We will decide on the final topic by consensus when we meet on Wednesday.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Steve Whiteman from Georgia to our group. (So many Steves! Is somebody being channeled?) Steve is a regular member of Steve Stokes' group in Atlanta and will be participating through our cyber connection, along with Steve S., Debbie, and David. Will the cyber guests out number the locals this time? We shall see.

Lastly, I would l pass on some insightful comments I received concerning our last dialogue on Human Responsibility:

Alma Cunningham wrote:

"Steve: As an absentee 'voter,' I enjoy being included in your shared thoughts, and would like to add my comments on responsibility. Looking down your list [of "first responsibility" summaries], it occurred to me that if when talking about Self, we mean the spiritual Self and not the ego, then "To thine own Self be true" (at all times) takes care of almost everything else on your list and would be automatic, since (I believe) the Self is selfless. The challenge, of course, is the most basic (and hardest) of all: becoming aware of and acting from that Place, yes?"

Alma added that of course this is easier said than done and is not claiming to have master this herself, but rather, that it is simply something to be striving for.

I also heard from Steve Semienick, one of the original founders of our Charlottesville philosophy group. Steve wrote:

"All of these seem like means to an end, in my view. That end, as I know it, is to be a co-creator of reality. What the nature of that reality will be is dictated by the means employed in its creation, as well as the intent of the creator. Most of the above seem aimed at creating a world centering around trust, compassion, and acknowledging the connectedness, even one-ness of all humanity. The others appear aimed at becoming a better creator, through self knowledge and self improvement. The two go hand in hand. Especially as the process is not voluntary. We co-create whether we realize it or not, all the time. Ingnorance or denial of this can lead to irresponsible, counter productive expenditure of energy, creating realities that are counter to our conscious desires and best interests. We get such results as wars,. disease, exploitation of others, neurosis, psychosis, stress - you get the idea. - Just my $0.02"

Thanks, Steve and Alma, for sharing your thoughts. We miss you both and hope you can join the live discussion again sometime. In the meantime, stay tuned and keep sharing you insights. We all benefit.

Best Regards,


Steve Donaldson,
Personal Growth Consultant,
Independent Educator,
Citizen Philosopher

P.S. If you prefer to just listen in, that is fine as well. The podcast of our conversation will be released on iTunes few days after the live discussion, usually on the following Sunday. Enjoy.


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