Feedback From Far Off Fans
Here are two comments we received recently from fans of our Thinking Out Loud broadcasts:
Hello Citizen Philosopher;
I'm Simo from Morocco. I've been listening to your recorded philosophical discussions on Skypecast and i've been having a look and reading some headlines from your website on eblog, i appreciate much what i heared and what i read. I encourage you to open such nice windows for high level communication and open access to philosophical knowledge for common people. I Wish you a lot of successs in what you do.
Best Regards
Simo Haoine
Hey guys,
Great podcast by the way, just found it recently. I'd like to add a Buddhist perspective to this concept of collective responsibility, because when I was listening to the initial talk about human responsibility, I was so intrigued by how close comments came to the idea behind Buddhism, and let me describe what that is. One of the most fundamental concepts in Buddhism is the idea of connectedness, not just between all humans, not just between all life, but a connectedness and inseperable state between you and all of existence - yea, a powerful idea. But what this implies is a universal sense of compassion as well. This means that our responsibility extends to all of existence - it doesn't stop at family, friends, humanity, or life. It extends to everything, with no boundaries. Now, practically speaking, this does not mean we run off and make sure every child in the world is taken care of - we have to deal with our limits. We have a responsibility to our own children, to take care of them. But within our span of our actions, we DO have responsibility to every other child in the world - from deciding to not buy a t-shirt from Walmart that was made with child labor, or to decide not to smoke around a child, or to decide not to litter near a playground (or even at all!), all of these decisions either reflect a sense of compassion with the rest of existence, or not. I hope you find this comment interesting - there is so much more to say! I really enjoy your talks.
Thank you Simo and Lauren, for taking the time to write. We are glad you enjoy the podcasts and we love hearing your perspectives. If you would like to participate in our live discussions, let me know and we will get you set up. If you prefer to just listen to the podcasts and post comments on this blog, by all means, keep it up. We love hearing from you.
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