Saturday, July 12, 2008

Essentials: Long List of Short Answers

Our recent discussion on the essentials for a good life generated many possible answers. Here is a list of short answers that were suggested, with which you may or may not agree:
  1. Good health.
  2. A sense of moderation.
  3. Flexibility.
  4. Passions.
  5. Breyer's ice cream.
  6. Good relationships.
  7. Peace of mind.
  8. A sense of self.
  9. A sense of purpose.
  10. A feeling of gratitude.
  11. Compassion
  12. Patience.
  13. Love.
  14. Ability and willingness to be content.
  15. Work.
  16. Feeling one has the power to change things.
  17. Hope.
  18. Pleasures.
  19. A forward looking capacity.
  20. Appreciation of the present moment.
  21. Confidence.
  22. Mindful awareness.
  23. A spiritual perspective.
  24. A moral code.
  25. Something to do and someone to do it for.
  26. A philosophical attitude.
I also find it interesting to note what was not mentioned - money, sex, good looks, status, fame, good luck, good genes, good schooling, family connections. Let me know what you think.




At 3:03 PM, Blogger Max Power said...

I don't understand the feeling of gratitude.


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