From Coffeehouse to Teahouse
Socrates Cafe of Charlottesville has been meeting at the Barnes & Noble Cafe since the spring of 2000. The bookstore has been very gracious in providing us with a meeting space at no charge for over 3 years. However, as the demand for meeting space at Barnes & Noble has grown, we have been informed that we must change our format to conform to a monthly book club or relinquish our spot to book clubs patiently waiting in line of a time slot. Understandably, Barnes & Noble must give priority to groups that discuss, and therefore promote sales of, specific books and not just general philosophical topics.
We have decided not to change our format. Therefore, as of November 2003, the Barnes & Noble venue for Socrates Cafe in Charlottesville no longer exists. Instead, we meet at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar and we refer to these gatherings as Tea With Socrates. Join us every Wednesday at 7:00.