We engage together in, and record for broadcast, our earnest philosophical dialogues, so that we may:

  1. Enhance our understanding of life and the world in which we live.
  2. Stimulate intellectual curiosity and philosophical exploration in ourselves and others.
  3. Strengthen our intellectual skills of critical thinking and sound reasoning.
  4. Provide a forum for a diversity of thought from a broad spectrum of independent thinkers.
  5. Connect with and form a network among thoughtful and caring individuals, everywhere.
  6. Enjoy the pleasures of intellectually stimulating and philosophically insightful company.
  7. Promote the pursuit of wisdom in everyone.

Civility - Treat everyone with respect. Use helpful, not hurtful language. Listen carefully and patiently when someone else is speaking.

Sincerity - Honest opinions and innocent questions are more valuable than "scoring points" or "looking smart". Strive for intellectual honesty.

Soundness - Favor sound reasoning over emotional rhetoric or sophomoric obfuscation.

Succinctness - Strive to be brief and to the point using understandable language. Speak loud and clear so others can hear.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Internet Philosophy Talk Radio

I took some time off in the Fall of 2005 to teach a semester of physics at a local private school. During that time the attendance at the Tea With Socrates venue suffered in my absence and eventually dissolved entirely. In its place, I am working on starting an Internet Philosophy Talk Radio show. In order to get quality sound recording, I need to procure some equipment and a suitable meeting space. The public coffee and tea houses have much too much background noise and through traffic. I am working on converting some office space I have as part of my real job (www.iqimaging.com). Initially, the radio show will be for local participants and then podcast to the world for feedback. Eventually, it would be nice to allow for global realtime participation, a la call-in talk show variety. I am not sure how that would work yet - maybe with some sort of Internet Phone technology. We'll keep you posted.