Next Live Dialogue - May 7, 2008
Hello Citizen Philosophers,
It's that time again. Our next Thinking Out Loud gathering will take place this coming Wednesday, May 7th, at 7:00 pm as usual.
In light of the technical difficulties we ran into last time with dropped Skype connections, I have enlisted Steve Stokes' help as "cyber cohost" to help with hosting the Skype conference call and reconnecting dropped callers. Thanks, Steve, for volunteering for this role. We will send out a separate email to potential Skype callers explaining the new proceedure. If you plan to participate by Skype and have not yet done so, please email me your Skype ID name so I can pass it on to Steve, who will be initiating the conference call. Thanks.
The topic for this month has not yet been chosen. Here are some past suggestions we can consider:
1. From David: "What is the nature of transcendence? And what makes it possible to move from a static derivative life to a dynamic one in which we continually reinvent ourselves?"
2. From Steve Stokes: "Is the perfection of the self what life is all about?"
3. From Debbie: "Is it ethical to test someone's DNA without their consent?"
And here is a new suggestion sent in recently by Alma Cunningham:
4. From Alma: "What qualities must a good Leader have - are they inherent - and what are those that he brings out in others?"
If you have other topics you would like to add or modifications to these you would like to suggest, email them to me or bring them with you to the meeting. We will decide on the final topic by consensus when we meet on Wednesday.
Lastly, I would l pass on some nice feedback I received from one of our podcast subscribers:
Tina Hansen wrote:
"Thank you for your Citizen Philosopher dialogues. They are thoughtful, and are truly a refreshing contrast to the noise I see out in the world."
Thanks, Tina, we appreciate your appreciation.
Best Regards,
Steve Donaldson,
Personal Growth Consultant,
Independent Educator,
Citizen Philosopher
P.S. If you prefer to just listen in, that is fine as well. The podcast of our conversation will be released on iTunes few days after the live discussion, usually on the following Sunday. Enjoy.